What is my sense of self?

Your sense of self is your core essence.

It is who you would be if you could be loved for exactly who you are, if money and time were no issue and if you were to let go of any limiting beliefs that hold you back for example: fear of judgement from others or yourself.

It is the part of you that looks for meaning in your life and a purpose that deeply satisfies your soul. It’s your authentic self if you weren’t taking anyone else into consideration. The part of you that knows what you’re heart truly desires and has the confidence to voice it and meet your own needs.

What is a sense of self journey?

It’s the time taken with intention to discover who you are beneath your desire to be liked, belong, your service to others and the roles you have been given or taken on such as being a good daughter/son, a good friend or a good parent. 

And it's the unravelling of your deepest and truest self so that you can know what you need and desire and work towards those things in order to live a fulfilling, peaceful and content life.

It's A Journey

'If you have been feeling somewhat stuck it could be a sign that you're not aligned with the life you deep down would like to be living.'

Guiding you back to your self - 10 sessions over 5 months

This journey is an introduction to the path back to your self. Or I should say re-introduction. It's also been described as a 'coming home,' and a 'reawakening.' 

It doesn’t matter where you are in your journey, the sessions will meet you exactly where you are. However, if you are new to this work we will progress slowly making sure that you unpack all that you need to as we go.

Although the result of our conversations and your reflections will be healing and therapeutic in their own way, this is not counselling and will not be delving into your past. As much as possible we will be working from a place of 'what is' and exploring what's present in the moment and dreaming into what could come next.

This work could however compliment and sit alongside psychotherapy or counselling sessions and it may be helpful to explore some themes and beliefs more from that base during or after your sense of self journey.


We meet on zoom (or in person) twice a month to keep things flowing for 10 sessions.

This will last 5 months which gives you plenty of time to understand the work, build a good practice and integrate some of your knowledge, whilst being spaced in a way that keeps the momentum alive.

In between the meetings you have some journaling (this doesn’t have to be written down as all ways of learning are welcome) and reflecting to do and sometimes a few imaginative activities.

All of the things are an invitation to get to understand and know yourself better but there is no expectation that you will do them. They are not homework. The more you engage however, the quicker you will progress.

During the 1:1 mentor hours you have a space to reflect on what you’ve found out. You’ll also be guided through a short embodiment practice that will start to become second nature to you by the end of our time together. 

Who would benefit from a sense of self journey?

  • Anyone who is feeling a bit lost or at a crossroads in their life for any reason.
  • This sometimes happens when you leave a structure or community such as school, university, a community or a job.
  • Following any major life transition.
  • It’s very common for people pleasers to get a bit lost.
  • It sometimes happens in mid-life or nearing a milestone birthday.
  • It can come about through caring for others including having children.
  • Some of the stages of peri-menopause and menopause can leave you wondering what’s next.
  • It can follow a period of depression, existential dread or burn out.
  • It sometimes happens following a period of grief or heartbreak.
  • It can occur as you edge towards older age or at retirement.
  • And lots of other reasons.

What will I get from the 10 sessions?

You'll be on the path to gaining a greater understanding of who you are and what you want.

You will be better able to feel inside when it comes to decision making and may move out of a stuck place into a place of flow.

Amongst many other things you will be clear on what brings you joy, what you desire and what soothes you.

You will know where you are on this path and what you need to explore next.

What happens after the 10 sessions?

After the 10 sessions there will be an opportunity to continue 1:1 with the work twice a month. Payments will be required upfront at the beginning of the month. This rolling agreement is only offered to participants who have completed the introductory 10 session course.

How much does it cost?

The initial course is £750

Following sessions are £60 per hour (whether in zoom or in person)

Payments must be made in full at time of booking. 

Payment plans are available to those on a low income. Please email for more information. 

At any given time a couple of affordable places are given to those who seek to do this work but are unable to fund it in full. To see if you meet this criteria please do email me. There is often a waiting list for spaces, which I keep limited to 4-5 people to manage expectations.

How to apply...

To apply email hello@louisefearn.co.uk

If there are spaces available we will arrange a brief 20 minute (free) consultation by phone or zoom so that I can answer any questions that you may have and we can discuss our schedules to see what aligns.